Atom Download Python

Atom Download Python

февраля 02 2021

Atom Download Python

Installing Atom

How to Download Python for Windows 10. To install python, you have to download the latest version of python from the Python official website. This gives the latest version of Python to download on your Windows operating system. See the screen below giving you a button with text “Download Python 3.7.0“.

To get started with Atom, we'll need to get it on your system. This section will go over installing Atom on your system as well as the basics of how to build it from source.

Installing Atom should be fairly simple. Generally, you can go to https://atom.io and you should see a download button as shown here:

Running a 'Hello, World!' Program in Python using Atom from scratch Atom is versatile and flexible text editor and has hundreds of community-made, open-source packages that can compile and run source files, for many languages. This guide will show how easy it is to code Python with the Atom editor. Atom is a framework for creating memory efficient Python objects with enhanced features such as dynamic initialization, validation, and change notification for object attributes. It provides the default model binding behaviour for the Enaml UI framework. Note that Python 3.6.12 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier. No files for this release. Python 3.8.5 - July 20, 2020. Note that Python 3.8.5 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier. Download Windows help file; Download Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file; Download Windows x86-64 executable installer; Download Windows x86-64 web-based installer. Installing Atom on Windows. Atom is available with Windows installers that can be downloaded from or from the Atom releases page.Use AtomSetup.exe for 32-bit systems and AtomSetup-x64.exe for 64-bit systems. This setup program will install Atom, add the atom and apm commands to your PATH, and create shortcuts on the desktop and in the start menu.

The button or buttons should be specific to your platform and the download package should be easily installable. However, let's go over them here in a bit of detail.

Installing Atom on Mac

Atom follows the standard Mac zip installation process. You can either press the download button from the https://atom.io site or you can go to the Atom releases page to download the atom-mac.zip file explicitly. Once you have that file, you can click on it to extract the application and then drag the new Atom application into your 'Applications' folder.

When you first open Atom, it will try to install the atom and apm commands for use in the terminal. In some cases, Atom might not be able to install these commands because it needs an administrator password. To check if Atom was able to install the atom command, for example, open a terminal window and type which atom. If the atom command has been installed, you'll see something like this:

If the atom command wasn't installed, the which command won't return anything:

To install the atom and apm commands, run 'Window: Install Shell Commands' from the Command Palette, which will prompt you for an administrator password.

Installing Atom on Windows

Atom is available with Windows installers that can be downloaded from https://atom.io or from the Atom releases page. Use AtomSetup.exe for 32-bit systems and AtomSetup-x64.exe for 64-bit systems. This setup program will install Atom, add the atom and apm commands to your PATH, and create shortcuts on the desktop and in the start menu.

The context menu Open with Atom in File Explorer, and the option to make Atom available for file association using Open with..., is controlled by the System Settings panel as seen above.

With Atom open, click on File > Settings, and then the System tab on the left. Check the boxes next to Show in file context menus, as well as Show in folder context menus. And you’re all set.

Installing Atom on Linux

You can install Atom on Linux using your distribution's package manager by configuring it to use one of our official package repositories. This will also enable you to update Atom when new releases are published.

Debian and Ubuntu (deb/apt)

To install Atom on Debian, Ubuntu, or related distributions, add our official
package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using apt-get (or apt on Ubuntu):

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .deb package and install it directly:

Red Hat and CentOS (YUM), or Fedora (DNF)

To install Atom on CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Scientific Linux, Fedora, or related distributions that use the YUM or DNF package managers, add our official package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using dnf (or yum depending on your distribution):

Atom Download Python Download

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .rpm package and install it directly:

SUSE (zypp)

To install Atom on openSUSE or other distributions that use the Zypp package manager, add our official package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using zypper:

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .rpm package and install it directly:

Updating Atom

You should consider updating Atom periodically for the latest improvements to the software. Additionally, When Atom receives hotfixes for security vulnerabilities you will want to update your version of Atom as soon as possible.

'Automatically Update' is enabled by default in Core Settings of the Settings View, which will allow Atom to check for updates automatically. If you disable this setting you can update Atom manually.

To perform a manual update:

  • Click on the Atom > Check for Update menu item in the menu bar.
  • Search for Application: About in the Command Palette and click the Check now button.

Atom will begin to update if an update is available.

'Automatically Update' is enabled by default in Core Settings of the Settings View, which will allow Atom to check for updates automatically. If you disable this setting you can update Atom manually.

To perform a manual update:

  • Click on the Help > Check for Update menu item in the menu bar.
  • Search for Application: About in the Command Palette and click the Check now button.

Atom will begin to update if an update is available.

If you are using Atom's official package repositories, use your distribution's package manager to update Atom. Otherwise, you will need to manually download and install the latest .rpm or .deb package from https://atom.io. For more details, see Installing Atom on Linux.

Portable Mode

Atom stores configuration and state in a .atom directory usually located in your home directory (%userprofile% on Windows). You can however run Atom in portable mode where both the app and the configuration are stored together such as on a removable storage device.

To setup Atom in portable mode download the zip/tar.gz package for your system and extract it to your removable storage.

Then create a .atom directory alongside the directory that contains atom.exe, for example:

Then create a .atom directory alongside the Atom.app application, for example:

Then create a .atom directory alongside the directory that contains the Atom binary, for example:

Portable Notes
  • The .atom directory must be writeable
  • You can move an existing .atom directory to your portable device
  • Atom can also store its Electron user data in your .atom directory - just create a subdirectory called electronUserData inside .atom
  • Alternatively you can set the ATOM_HOME environment variable to point wherever you want (you can write a .sh or .cmd script to temporarily set it and launch it from that)
  • Portable mode installations will not automatically update

Building Atom from Source

The Hacking on Atom Core section of the flight manual covers instructions on how to clone and build the source code if you prefer that option.

Proxy and Firewall Settings

Behind a Firewall?

If you are behind a firewall and seeing SSL errors when installing packages you can disable strict SSL by running:

Using a Proxy?

If you are using a HTTP(S) proxy you can configure apm to use it by running:

You can run apm config get https-proxy to verify it has been set correctly.

Table of Contents

  • Adding Packages

What is Atom?

Atom is an extremely versatile text editor, described by its developers as “the hackable editor for the 21st century.” Atom is completely developed using web technologies, so it is naturally cross-platform. GitHub created the editor to be completely malleable, written in CoffeeScript and Less. Additionally, plugins (referred to as packages in Atom) may be written in JavaScript. In the “Atom Flight Manual,” you can even learn how to use Atom and how to rebuild the engine.

In this post, we will explore a few capabilities and functionalities Atom provides to make editing source code easier for developers. Let’s begin by going over installing Atom on Windows and macOS, themes, and a few specific packages to help with Python development.

First, we need to install Atom.

Getting started with Atom using macOS

Atom for macOS may be downloaded here.
The website will detect your OS and present you with the correct download link.

After clicking the download button, a .zip file will download. Go ahead and unzip the file, then the Atom application will become available. If you downloaded the .zip to the “Downloads” directory, move the Atom Application to the “Applications” directory. Shazam! Atom is now ready to rock and roll. You can launch Atom from the application icon or you can use finder by pressing <cmd + space> and typing Atom. Atom may also be called in your terminal and opened to the current directory. In your project’s directory type “atom” to open the directory in Atom.

Getting Started with Atom using Windows

First, download the executable file. Atom for Windows may be downloaded here. In case your version of Windows doesn’t appear, you can click ‘Other Platforms’ which will redirect you to the GitHub repo with all the operating systems Atom supports.You’ll find the executable in the folder it downloaded into, typically this is the Downloads folder.

Double-click to run the executable, and installation will begin right away. You may notice that there are no choices to be made during the installation process. The program will launch automatically as soon as installation completes. Later, you may select Atom from the start menu, or create a taskbar shortcut. The easiest way to open a project folder is to select or create a project directory from the File menu after starting Atom.

Choosing a theme

The design and user interface of Atom follow material design principles, which provide an intuitive experience for developers. A new theme may be selected from the “Welcome Guide” tab on the right-hand side of the screen, or from the settings menu. Each theme may expose different settings, including font-size for the UI and/or the text editor. Additionally, you may edit the “style.less” file to change specific fonts and styles, by selecting “Open Your Stylesheet” from the welcome guide, and then adding css statements. When starting out, it’s a good idea to explore the themes available to find a few that suit your style.

You may transfer your setup across multiple computers, by storing the contents of your atom folder in a Github repository.

Adding packages

Atom Download Python

Any developer may create packages and themes for Atom. If you feel inspired, then you too can be a contributor by creating or helping to improve a package. There are plenty of packages to help you with code inspection and completion, as well as analytics and productivity.

The main contributions to packages in Atom are by the community or companies looking to improve the coding experience and productivity of developers. On Atom’s landing page; it lists Teletype for real-time collaboration, Atom IDE for completing the editor experience, and Git + GitHub integration for seamless code delivery. These packages are great to get started, but if you want to go further you’ll need to open Atom and navigate to Edit > Preferences, or use the keyboard shortcut <command + , >. Choosing preferences will open a tab called “Settings” in the main editing area. Here, you can see installed packages and themes, as well as browse additional packages from the community. Now is a good time to experiment with configuring Atom packages.

A few of my favorite packages are WakaTime (automatic programming metrics), Beautify (code formatting), Kite (editor copilot), and the GitHubpackage. Let’s take a closer look at each of these packages, and discover how they could improve your code-editing experience.


The WakaTime package exposes the metrics of the WakaTime service, available across many text-editors and IDEs. WakaTime will track every second you are typing in Atom and produces reports on your account’s dashboard. WakaTime provides some core metrics based on time, project directory, and programming language. Time spent typing is a useful metric to show how accurate you are and can quantify where you need improvement. It is smart enough to break down the time spent by language, project, file, branch, commit, OS, editor, and feature. All of this is to help you improve your productivity but also understand how you develop software. WakaTime is a freemium service, providing free core functionality, but adding team collaboration metrics and greater detail for a paid subscription.

With all of this typing we do, how do we ensure it all looks good?


Beautify for Atom is a non-invasive and completely customizable auto-formatter that arranges your code for you. Whether you prefer two or four space indentation, indentation with tabs, or preserving newlines there are a plethora of options to pick from when setting up the configuration of Beautify. You could either apply a broad configuration across all languages, or specify nested configurations for each language.

Beautify may also be configured to determine when and how the package does its work. You can format a selection of code, a file upon saving, or the entire file on command.

Beyond neatly arranging your code, another package can help you along the way with ranked completions:


Kite with Atom will give ranked completions using machine learning to scan open-sourced code on the web to provide you with the popular completions. Popular patterns paired with inline documentation and a plethora of code examples saves time–by preventing constantly switching between the text editor and a browser. Advanced code completion and documentation could dramatically improve your performance as measure by WakaTime, as well. Imagine how much mental effort could be saved by finding the right code snippet, without even consulting Stack Exchange. Preventing context switches enables us to keep the focus on the main objectives.

GitHub & Git

The Git & GitHub package allows effective collaboration and integration by exposing version comparison and navigation features alongside your code. Knowing how many conflicts there are gives you peace of mind, as the color indicates the relative age of the conflict. Besides conflict resolution, the Github & Git package highlights files and directories with new changes. Before making changes, wouldn’t it be helpful to test the changes in an isolated file? Let’s jump into another package that provides a console to test code within Atom.

Script (Bonus!)

The Script package allows you to bring up a console that will interpret many languages, including Python and JavaScript. I find this particularly useful when testing mock data in proof-of-concept algorithms or processes. Script is also useful for testing framework features to see the performance and debug issues before implementation in the main codebase. Script is essentially like having JSFiddle or the Python interpreter at your fingertips without needing to go to the web or open a terminal. Script is ideal to keep you in the editor and maintain focus, thus increasing your productivity.

Closing thoughts

Now that you know how powerful Atom can be, with the installation of a few packages and customizing it to your liking, you’re ready to see how Atom can improve your coding experience by getting some practice and exercising some curiosity.

The best way to find out how Atom could help you code more effectively is to choose a small project and execute your coding workflows from Atom. Then, you will learn to ask better questions and begin to master this powerful and flexible tool. In fact, one idea is to develop a simple package for Atom, using Atom itself. A new text editor is an opportunity to learn how other developers work, and even to learn other languages and paradigms. With Atom, there’s a good chance that others share your interests and ideas, and could even help you to write better, cleaner code.

This post is a part of Kite’s new series on Python. You can check out the code from this and other posts on our GitHub repository.

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