Best Episodes Of Its Always Sunny

Best Episodes Of Its Always Sunny

февраля 09 2021

Best Episodes Of Its Always Sunny

The best bits to watch of the most deliberately horrible sitcom ever made

  1. Best Episodes Of It's Always Sunny
  2. Always Sunny Season 12 Stream
  3. Always Sunny Season 12 Watch Online
  4. Best Episodes Of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  5. The Funniest Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Best Episodes Of It's Always Sunny

The 25 Best 'It's Always Sunny' Episodes by dimitris1594 created - 12 Aug 2012 updated - 30 Aug 2015 Public The most genuinely funny and original episodes are also appreciated in this list. While it’s been woefully overlooked in terms of awards recognition, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is easily one of the flat out funniest shows in the history of television. Other series’ may be nominated for Emmys and Golden Globes, but for 11 years and counting, It’s Always Sunny has made us laugh to the point of tears perhaps more often than anything else on TV.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the rum ham eating, paint huffing, 'Seinfeld on crack' sitcom about five degenerates running a rundown bar even further down, is entering its newest season. I understand, however, that there are still some of you that haven't watched any of it yet, which is frankly inexcusable. To help you out, and so I don't have to mentally note each and every one of you as dead to me, I've chosen the best episode from each of the 10 previous seasons and listed them here.

These will help to gently ease you into the world of Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie and Frank - like gradually getting into a bath, but a bath that's suspiciously yellow and has cigarette butts floating in it. You'll then be better placed to watch the rest of It's Always Sunny, as well as return to this article and tell me why my choices are incorrect in the comments. If you're already a fan then you can just skip to the last part.

Season 1 - Charlie Got Molested

When you go back and watch the first season it's actually remarkably different to the later ones (in that the central characters seem to have a grip on normality, slippery though it may be). Charlie Got Molested is the last of the opening season, and it perfectly encapsulates the central premise: everyone in the show is an awful, terrible person.

It also introduces the McPoyles for the first time, a pair of brothers who, like the main gang, grow increasingly disgusting and always make you feel like you need a wash. The McPoyle family continues to feature sporadically, and eventually grows to include Guillermo del Toro as Pappy McPoyle.

Season 2 - The Gang Exploits a Miracle

The second season brings in Danny DeVito as Frank Reynolds, Dee and Dennis' father and a main member of the cast from here on out. The Gang Exploits a Miracle is notable mainly for the B plot, in which Dee seduces a priest that she had been at school with and who was known, for reasons that I won't go into, as Rickety Cricket.

As a direct result of this Rickety Cricket loses his job. Over the course of years on the show he spins further out of control, becoming homeless, horribly scarred, and addicted to various substances. Cricket is a kind of physical representation of the show's content, which has become increasingly unsettling over the years.

Season 3 - The Gang Dances Their Asses Off

A case in point is The Gang Dances Their Asses Off, the season three finale, by which point Rickety Cricket has had both legs broken. Here the gang have accidentally signed their bar up as the prize in a dance marathon and, instead of working together to get it back, proceed to spend the entire episode dicking each other over. It's a fine example of how none of the characters learn anything from their mistakes or grow as people (which is one of the reasons it's compared to Seinfeld so often).

Season 4 - The Nightman Cometh

The Nightman Cometh needs little context to be enjoyed. It's a musical written by Charlie (the actors actually did a mini tour in 2009, where they performed the musical live).

I have a framed poster for The Nightman Cometh on my wall at home. It's a very good episode of television.

Season 5 - The D.E.N.N.I.S. System

Dennis is almost definitely a sociopath, as evidenced perfectly by his explanation of the six point technique he uses to seduce women. By this stage Dennis has properly begun his downward spiral from almost reasonable person in season one to unpredictably violent man in season 10, so it's a nice point to check in with him before he goes completely off the rails.

Season 6 - Who Got Dee Pregnant?

It's Always Sunny, like all good (and bad) shows has its fair share of seasonal special episodes, this being a Halloween one. Each member of the gang recounts their version of a Halloween party at the bar where they got incredibly drunk, in order to piece together what actually happened.

The jokes are so well layered, and drawn out so well, that this is one of the finest twenty minutes of comedy you're likely to see. It also features the McPoyles drinking room temperature milk, wearing dressing gowns at inappropriate times, and simulating the sound of two characters having sex in a toilet stall. This may not initially sound like something you need in your life, but it is.

Season 7 - How Mac Got Fat

Best Episodes Of Its Always Sunny

From this point onwards it gets incredibly hard to choose the best episode of each season (the seventh, for example, also boasts the episode Chardee MacDennis, which is fantastic), but How Mac Got Fat deserves a mention for the sheer effort that went into it. Rob McElhenney, the creator of the show as well as the actor who plays Mac, gained three and a half stone for the seventh season, which isn't explained until this episode at the tail end of it.

McElhenney apparently tried to get all the cast to do the same, poking fun at how, in most conventional shows, the cast get better looking as they become more successful, but none of them could be persuaded. McElhenney buckled down on his own and gained the weight in five months, before losing it again for the eighth season.

Season 8 - Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense

The gang stage a mock trial to determine who is at fault when Dennis spills cereal in his car (Dennis for eating cereal whilst driving, or Frank for hitting his car and causing the spill). The debate, however, veers off into other, deeper subjects, with Mac putting up a surprisingly robust if somewhat infuriating defence for divine creation over evolution (mainly by arguing that 'Science is a liar sometimes').

Always Sunny Season 12 Stream

Season 9 - Flowers for Charlie

Always Sunny Season 12 Watch Online

This is probably the most consistently good season of television I've ever seen, but only if you watch it in the context of the whole show, so in that sense it's sort of hard to pick the best one.

Best Episodes Of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

That said, I'm going with Flowers for Charlie, which works really well without context, as it lampoons a lot of established story conventions. It was written by the showrunners for Game of Thrones, so you can tell people really thought It's Always Sunny was proper good at this point.

The Funniest Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Season 10 - Charlie Work

Charlie has to somehow pass a health inspection of the bar at the same time as the rest of the gang is running a 'steak and chicken and air miles scam', and ashamed as I am to recommend two Charlie episodes in a row, Charlie Work is an exemplary piece of both filming and writing. It demonstrates that this show is actually really smart, though it pretends not to be.

The whole episode is filmed to look like one shot - though there are some cleverly disguised cuts to transition between sets - and in fact about a third of the episode is one shot, with no camera tricks whatsoever, accompanied by a kind of free form jazz drumming soundtrack which a lot of people compared to Birdman.

If you only watch one episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia then it should be Charlie Work. But you should watch the rest of it too. Otherwise you're a jabroni.

Best Episodes Of Its Always Sunny

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